Many board game lovers do not think that all game items need care and maintenance. After all, with poor maintenance of game items and the passing of time, they can become unusable. To avoid this, you can consider buying a special card game playmat that will protect your cards and their sleeves so effectively that even after long-term use of your gaming equipment, you will not have to consider replacing components such as playing cards, sleeves, or figures.
The important points in favor of board game mats are:
- Improved board game organization;
- Card protection with game playmats;
- Aesthetic side;
- Preservation of the atmosphere of the battlefield;
- Improved interaction with game paraphernalia.
This article focuses on the best features of a gaming mat and why board gamers should get one. So, read on to find out the arguments and positive sides of choosing the playing mat, how to choose the right one and what nuances you should pay attention to.
1. Improved Board Games Organization
Whether you're a fan of Pokemon, MTG, or another board game, you're bound to run into the same problem during the most intense moment of the game - the disorganization of your playing space. So, during fierce battles between magicians and orcs, you notice that the decks of cards are scattered in different places, and the figures have gone far beyond the boundaries of the map you have outlined. This could occur if you are not using a special board game mat or are playing on a large and smooth surface like the floor.
However, if your playing surface is a small table, you should definitely consider purchasing a game mat. There are different types of mats on the market, specifically for certain board games. Such items have special markings for decks of cards, a field for moves, or even places for figures. With the help of such game assistants, your game will become more organized and consistent. You will no longer be confused about who goes first, where, and what stack of cards is responsible for what.
2. Cards And Sleeves Protection
Many card game enthusiasts or just collectors of cards with their favorite characters have noticed that sleeves are practically the best option to protect their trading cards and extend their life. However, don't limit yourself to just sleeves.
To play your favorite board game safely, you should also take care of the surface you use most to play. Even with sleeves, you won't be able to provide the best protection for your collectibles, as even card protection solutions require care and maintenance to work perfectly.
In such a case, you should consider a board game mat as another protective measure. It will provide the best protection for your cards and sleeves, even on rough, wooden, or muddy surfaces, keeping out pests. The card game playmats will serve as a protective layer between the dangerous surface and valuable cards. And if you somehow stained your gaming mat, you can always wipe it with an ordinary wet cloth, and your gaming table mat and cards are completely safe and sound.
3. Beautiful Appearance Of A Board Game Playmat
Imagine that you are a board game lover, and your home shelf is overflowing with various game paraphernalia. Obviously, you also belong to the gaming community and interact with fellow players. You are a member of many game chats and groups and take part in game gatherings and meetings to run big game campaigns. And it is obvious that after an intense game session, you share photos of the best moments during the battle.
What do you think would make a better photo: a damaged wooden table on which figures and cards are placed, or with a special card game playmat with an epic high-quality image, on which the figures turn into real magicians and monsters fighting for power and kingdoms?
The answer is obvious. Vibrant colors and contours make board game mats a great backdrop for both game and photography. You can also order play mats with your own visual customization, allowing your imagination to run wild.
4. Preserving Of The Battlefield Atmosphere With A Board Game Playmat
In addition, a special board game mat will not only be a great tool to create a beautiful background but also to provide the necessary atmosphere. So, among the options on the gaming solutions market, you can find many card game playmats that have been specially designed for certain games. In such game paraphernalia, every moment is provided for, and the features of this particular game universe are preserved. Starting from the placement of characters, and their trajectory of movement, ending with creating a certain atmosphere on the battlefield.
So, while playing your favorite game in MTG, you can fully enjoy the atmosphere of the dark side of the universe or the green forests where your heroes will go to the final battle with evil.
5. Better Interaction Of Game Paraphernalia With A Board Game Mat
Besides aesthetics, protecting your cards, and organizing your playing space, purchasing board game mats gives you efficiency and speed while playing. Because of the surface of the card game playmats, you will be able to deal cards more efficiently, as they will literally slide on the board game mat, and the figures will move smoothly and pliably on the way to victory or retreat to more advantageous positions. With such a game decision, your party will go as smoothly as possible.
Bottom Line
As you can see, the gaming mat brings not only practical benefits by protecting your gaming equipment but also gives unforgettable emotions and aesthetic pleasure. This board game solution will be great for creating a memorable atmosphere for you and your allies in sword or magic.
However, remember that when purchasing a game table mat, you should pay attention to several factors that can be decisive in terms of efficiency and comfort during the game. You should choose a board game playmat made from quality rubber, pay attention to the seams so that there are no protruding pieces on the sides, and adapt the playing field specifically to your gaming universe for more efficiency and enjoyment of the game.
What Is A Board Game Mat?
This is a special soft rubber surface that allows you to place cards and character figures for a more comfortable game.
Are Board Game Mats Washable?
Yes, all board mats can be washed with water or wiped with a wet cloth. The mat surface, color, and quality will not be damaged or changed after washing.
How Do You Clean A Board Game Mat?
You can clean the board game mat with a napkin, a cloth soaked in water, or by spraying it with a sanitizer.
How To Take Care Of Board Game Characters' Miniatures?
To do that, you should consider purchasing a special board game mat. It will make your game session more organized and safe for your game equipment.