How To Build A Water Pokémon Deck: Instruction

February 15, 2023 · Your Playmat
water-based Pokémon cards

Pokémon is one of the most popular franchises on the planet. It has many exciting stories, characters, and adventures. Just like in the anime, the Pokémon Card Game features different types of Pokémon. Players think of strategies through the smallest detail for using every Pokémon type effectively.

So, one of the most popular types of Pokémon is the water type. This type has iconic characters and hundreds of interesting situations and adventures. And the card game allows you to not only watch the struggle of water Pokémon. You can also take part in one of the battles with it.

Today, there are many strategies and ways to incorporate your Water Pokémon into your deck. In our article, we will tell you about this method. Read our article to the end to take your Pokémon water deck to the next level.

Basics Of Water-Type Pokémon

The Pokémon Trading Card Game (TCG) is a collectible card game based on the popular video game franchise Pokémon. In the game, players collect cards featuring different Pokémon creatures. And they use them to battle against each other. The game's goal is to use your Pokémon and related cards to reduce your opponent's remaining Prize Cards to zero.

Two players play the TCG. Each starts with a water deck of 60 cards. It includes at least one Pokémon card and Energy cards to power the Pokémon's attacks. The game is won by reducing your opponent's remaining Prize Cards to zero. Or by knocking out their Pokémon or using certain cards to claim the Prize Cards directly.

Water-type Pokémon play an important role in the Pokémon TCG. It offers a unique set of strengths and weaknesses compared to other types. Water-type Pokémon are often known for their powerful attacks. They deal great damage to opponents and can counter popular Fire and Rock-type Pokémon.

Water-type Pokémon are known for their versatility and can play many roles in a water deck. Here are a few ways in which you can use Water-type Pokémon:

  • Offensive power. Many Water-type Pokémon have high attack power. And they can deal significant damage to your opponent's Pokémon;
  • Healing and recovery. Some Water-type Pokémon have abilities or attacks to heal themselves or their allies;
  • Control and disruption. Some Water-type Pokémon can manipulate the game state to your advantage;
  • Tank and wall. Many Water-type Pokémon have high HP. They are great options for soaking up damage and protecting your other Pokémon. Lapras, Swampert, and Wailord are a few examples of Water-type tanks;
  • Support. Some Water-type Pokémon can support your other Pokémon or help you play to your strategy.

The Best Water-Type Pokémon Cards

Here's the list of the best Pokémon for a water deck:

  • Blastoise. Blastoise is a powerful Stage 2 Pokémon with a base attack max of 70 and a high HP of 100. Its Hydro Pump attack allows it to deal massive damage to opponents. And its Rain Dance ability gives one free water Energy card;
  • Swampert. Swampert is a Stage 2 Pokémon with a balanced attack and defense. Its Muddy Water ability gives free water energy. While its high HP of 170 makes it a formidable wall. An Earthquake attack gives 180 damage points;
  • Lapras. Lapras is a basic Pokémon with a base attack of 50 and a high HP of 110. Its Icy Wind attack deals an asleep condition to your opponent's active Pokémon. It makes it a great option for taking out many targets at once. Its Shield Bash attack can also deal a significant amount of damage;
  • Feraligatr. Feraligatr is a Stage 2 Pokémon with a base attack of 10 and a high HP of 160. Its Riptide attack doesn't deal significant damage. But it gives you a chance to shuffle energy cards into your water deck again.
  • Vaporeon. Vaporeon is a Stage 1 Pokémon with a balanced attack and defense. Its Hydro Splash attack can deal decent damage. While its Ability, Aqua Effect, makes all Stage 1 Pokémon water Pokémon with its existing type;
  • Kingdra. Kingdra is a Stage 2 Pokémon with a base attack of 40 x each water energy card with Pokémon and a high HP of 150. Its Aqua Burst attack deals significant damage. And its Ability, Deep Sea King, gives a water energy card from your opponent to your Pokémon;
  • Empoleon. Empoleon is a Stage 2 Pokémon with a balanced attack and defense. Its Whirlpool attack deals decent damage;
  • Starmie. Starmie is a Stage 1 Pokémon with a great attack and defense. Its Strange Wave attack allows the player to attach 3 energy cards to benched Pokémon;
  • Gastrodon. Gastrodon is a Stage 1 Pokémon with an Earthquake attack of 120 points. Its Ability, Storm Drain, also redirects Water-type attacks to it. It makes it a great option for countering other Pokémon TCG water decks;
  • Wailord. Wailord is a Stage 1 Pokémon with a high HP of 200 and an attack power of 120+. Its attack and ability can make you the best water Pokémon trainer on the battlefield.

Building A Water-Type Pokémon Deck

Water Pokemon LumineonV

Building a successful Pokémon water deck requires careful consideration of many factors. It includes the choice of cards, the number of each card to include, and the balance of types and energies. Here are some tips and advice on how to build a winning water deck:

  • Choose the right cards. It's crucial to choose cards that fit your strategy and playstyle. Consider factors such as attack power, HP, abilities, and special effects. It can also be helpful to choose cards that complement each other. It can be a strong attacker paired with a Pokémon with healing abilities;
  • Use a core of powerful cards. A successful water-type Pokémon deck should have a core of powerful cards you can rely on to win games. Choose cards with high attack power or HP. Or choose those with abilities that can be game-changers. It can be Wailord's Blade Jet or Starmie's Rapid Spin;
  • Balance your types and energies. It's essential to balance your water deck with other types and energies. This can help you counter potential weaknesses in your water-type Pokémon. And it gives you more options in different situations;
  • Consider the correct number of each card. The right number of each card will depend on your specific strategy and playstyle. Generally, you should include at least 4-6 copies of your core cards. It's to ensure that you have a good chance of drawing them. But it's crucial to find the right balance between having enough copies of your key cards and diversity in your deck. Most decks contain an average of 20 Pokémon cards, 25 trainer cards, and about 15 energy cards;
  • Use supporting cards. Also, it's important to include supporting cards to help you play to your strategy. For example, you might include trainers or supporters. They allow you to draw more cards, heal your Pokémon, or manipulate the game state in your favor;
  • Plan for different matchups. When building your water deck, consider the different types of decks that you may face. Try to expect which types of Pokémon your opponents may use and what strategies they may use. This can help you choose cards for countering different types of decks;
  • Playtest your Pokémon TCG water deck. Before you head to a tournament or play against other players, playtest your deck to see how it performs. This will allow you to fine-tune your deck and make any necessary changes.

With these tips, you can put together a deck that will give you the best chance of winning games and having fun.

Water-Type Pokémon Deck Strategy

With a water deck, there are several key strategies for maximizing chances of success. These include effective card combinations, aggressive or defensive play styles, and common challenges. Here's a closer look at each of these strategies:

1. Effective Card Combinations

One of the keys to a successful water-type Pokémon deck is using cards that complement each other. They should play off of each other's strengths. For example, you might pair a powerful attacker like Feraligatr with a Pokémon like Vaporeon. It has the Hydration ability to heal itself. Another effective combination is using a Pokémon with a defensive ability, like Gastrodon's Storm Drain, with a Pokémon that can exploit that ability, such as a lightning-type Pokémon.

2. Aggressive And Defensive Play Styles

You may want to take an aggressive or defensive approach with your water deck. For example, if you have a strong attacker like Blastoise, you might choose to play aggressively. You can use its high attack power to take down your opponent's Pokémon. But if you have a Pokémon with high HP and defensive ability, like Swampert, you might choose to play more defensively. For this, use its tank-like qualities to protect your other Pokémon.

3. Common Challenges

Several common challenges can arise when using a Pokémon water deck. One is dealing with fire-type Pokémon. They are often super effective against water types. To counter this, you might include a few fire-resistant Pokémon. Or choose water-type Pokémon with high HP and defense. Another common challenge is dealing with special energy cards. They can be used to boost the power of certain types of Pokémon. To counter this, you might include a Pokémon with the ability to neutralize special energy cards. Or choose water-type Pokémon with high attack power or disruptive abilities.

    The key to success is understanding your cards' strengths and weaknesses. And choose the right combination of cards to support your strategy. Whether you play aggressively or defensively, it's vital to have a plan in mind. And be ready to adjust your strategy as needed in response to your opponent's moves. With careful planning and effective combinations, a water deck is a formidable force.

    How Much Does It Cost To Build A Water-Type Pokémon Deck?

    Building a water deck is a great way to enhance your game experience. But the cost of building a water-type Pokémon deck can vary depending on several factors. Building that deck ranges from a few hundred to several thousand dollars.

    One of the biggest factors affecting the cost is the rarity of the cards you want to include. Some rarest water-type Pokémon cards can cost hundreds or thousands of dollars. It can make building a high-quality Pokémon TCG water deck quite expensive. But there are also more affordable options available. They are older cards or common water-type Pokémon cards. They can still be effective in a water-type Pokémon deck.

    Another factor that affects the cost is the number of cards you want to include in the deck. A larger deck will generally cost more than a smaller one since you will need to buy more cards. Besides, the cost of individual cards can vary. It depends on the set they are from and their rarity. So it is vital to consider these factors when budgeting for your water-type Pokémon deck.

    Finally, the cost can also be affected by the type of cards you want to include in the deck. Some players prefer to use only rare and powerful cards in their decks. But others prefer to use more affordable options that can still be effective in the game. Also, the cost of building a water-type Pokémon deck will depend on your personal preferences and your goals for the deck.

    Building the best Pokémon water deck can be an exciting and rewarding hobby. But it can also be quite expensive, depending on the abovementioned factors. To determine the cost of building a water-type Pokémon deck, it is vital to consider:

    • The rarity of the cards you want to include;
    • The number of cards you want to include in the deck;
    • The type of cards you want to use.

    With careful planning and patience, you can build the best Pokémon water deck. It will meet your needs and fit your budget.


    As a result, building the best Pokémon water deck is a fairly complex process. To successfully build a deck, you need to adhere to many principles and factors. Also, your victory will largely depend on chance. This is because you don't know what cards your opponent might choose. This introduces an element of randomness into the final result.

    But when building a water Pokémon deck, be sure to pay attention to card combinations and support. Only in this way can you achieve the most coordinated work of your pocket monsters. And with our guide, you can quickly collect all your strong Pokémon cards and make the strongest deck to fight. 


    What Are Some Key Cards To Include In A Pokémon Water Deck?

    They should be powerful Water-type Pokémon. It can be Blastoise, Lapras, and Swampert. And you also need Trainer cards that can help you draw and search for the cards you need.

    How Many Pokémon Should I Include In My Water Deck?

    A good starting point is to have around 20-25 Pokémon in your deck. But this can vary depending on the specific strategy you are using.

    What Type Of Energy Should I Include In My Pokémon Water Deck?

    Water Energy is the most crucial type of Energy to include in a Water Deck. It will allow you to use the consequential attacks of your Water-type Pokémon.

    What Type Of Trainer Cards Should I Include In My Pokémon Water Deck?

    Professor Elm's Lecture, Fisherman, and Energy Retrieval draw and search for the cards. And cards like Aqua Patch and Pokémon Catcher can help you manipulate your opponent's field.

    How Can I Counter A Fire Deck With My Pokémon Water Deck?

    One strategy is to include cards like Articuno. It can put the Fire Pokémon Asleep, making it easier for your Water Pokémon to attack and defeat them. Another option is to include cards that can reduce the damage done by Fire-type attacks. It can be a Weakness Policy.

    Can A Pokémon Water Deck Be Effective In Tournament Play?

    Yes, a well-built Water Deck can be very effective in tournament play especially if you have a solid strategy and can counter popular decks like Fire and Grass. But it is important to constantly test and adapt your deck based on the current metagame.